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New Coast Guard Cybersecurity Rule: Essential Updates

More than 80% of the nation’s trade relies on the maritime sector, equivalent to over $5 trillion in economic activity, according to a 2023 report. Consequently, the sector's increasing digitization represents vast and complex vulnerabilities. 

In response, the US Coast Guard recently issued a cybersecurity regulation that moves beyond voluntary guidelines to require specific cybersecurity measures. Key requirements include developing a comprehensive cybersecurity plan and appointing a “Cybersecurity Officer.” 

Along with my colleagues, I recently co-authored an article you can find in Maritime Executive  titled "How to Get Ready for the U.S. Coast Guard's Cybersecurity Rule." The article highlights crucial aspects of this new regulation, currently set to take effect July 16, 2025. We recommend beginning preparations immediately. You can start by evaluating current capabilities and developing comprehensive compliance strategies. 

Please refer to the article (or reach out directly) for more detailed guidance on implementation and compliance requirements.

Key Takeaways of the new USCG Rule: Begin preparation now — the 24-month implementation period will pass quickly given the scope of required changes. Evaluate current cybersecurity staffing and capabilities against new CySO requirements. Review existing security measures against the detailed technical requirements. Plan for increased training and exercise obligations.