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Biden Treasury No. 2 Indicates Desire for Energy Permitting Reform

US Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo signalled a desire for the Biden Administration to pursue permitting reform for new green energy projects in an interview with Robinson Meyer on Heatmap's “Shift Key” podcast. 

Adeyemo stopped short of endorsing any specific changes, but expressed support for streamlining the NEPA approval process and beefing up agency staffing to reduce administrative response times and delays. Adeyemo is a figure to watch should Kamala Harris win November's presidential election, with Axios reporting that he is on the shortlist for head of Treasury.

Perhaps no official has been more central to setting up those tax credits than Wally Adeyemo, the deputy secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. He is also the Treasury’s No. 2 official and chief operating officer. Adeyemo has led the agency’s effort to implement the climate law, overseeing a group of tax lawyers and political appointees who are critical to the legislation’s ultimate success. He joins Shift Key this week to help us kick off our second season and talk about how the effort to implement the climate law is going, what could stand in its way, and why he wants some kind of permitting reform.


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