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Florida's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Posts 2023 Quota Lottery Winners List

Florida's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco held its annual lottery drawing to award the right to apply for a newly created liquor license. The liquor licenses in the lottery are tied to a particular county and are created or otherwise placed in the drawing pursuant to section 561.19, Florida Statutes, due to county population meeting or exceeding a threshold for the first time, the cancellation or revocation of an existing license, or by reason of a county permitting the sale of liquor when such sale had been previously prohibited.

The 45-day entry period to the lottery opens in August of each year, when the Division announces the counties that are eligible for new licenses and the number of licenses available in each county. Applicants are limited to an interest in one application per county per year.

The winners list for this year can be found here