DOL has issued enforcement guideline changes for OSHA to expand authority for issuing citations. OSHA now has authority to issue citations as "instance-by-instance" citations for certain "high-gravity" citations. Previously OSHA could only issue such citations in willful cases. In addition, OSHA is encouraged not to group citations when they can be issued separately. All of this is being done in an effort to deter noncompliance.

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DOL Announces Enforcement Guidance Changes for OSHA
"Smart, impactful enforcement means using all the tools available to us when an employer ‘doesn’t get it’ and will respond to only additional deterrence in the form of increased citations and penalties," explained Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker. "This is intended to be a targeted strategy for those employers who repeatedly choose to put profits before their employees’ safety, health and wellbeing. Employers who callously view injured or sickened workers simply as a cost of doing business will face more serious consequences."